Dana Hokana Performance Horses

Leading Horse Clinician
In The United States
Watch for yourself why PleasureHorse.com and Show Horse Today awarded Dana Hokana Reader’s Choice Best Clinician.
Western horse training delivered to you on line, in person or on DVDs. Learn at your own pace with coaching that makes your horse’s health, happiness and welfare a priority. After all, a happy horse is a willing partner.
Choose the areas of horsemanship and disciplines you are interested in learning. You might even find new areas to explore as well.
Upcoming Clinic Dates:
March 29 & 30
For more information and to register, email: [email protected]
Can’t Attend in Person? Going to Be There But Want More?
Bring Dana to your living room with a Special Clinic Season Discount!
Save 15% on purchases now through May 15, 2024. Use Coupon Code CLINIC15 at checkout.
Building Better Partnerships Through Better Horsemanship
“It is my heart’s desire to help people develop a long-term horse that stays willing and happy with his job, and to create a lasting partnership.
I strive to help teach people how to develop unity with their horse in and out of the show ring. This is done through the effective and fair use of a rider’s hands, seat, body and legs, in a kind way, to ultimately become one with your horse. In addition, I purpose to develop ultimate body control of the horse. My goal is to have a natural, fluid mover with lift and flow. I want to achieve excellent movement and a willing partner. I feel that it is so important for riders to know that they can do it too! Whether you’re training your horse yourself or riding with a trainer, you have the ability to achieve success riding in the show ring, on the trail, on cattle, speed events, or anything that you aspire to do with your horse.
From fundamentals to finishing, my proven training methods will enhance you and your horses relationship, performance and overall ride.
Three New DVD Series
Get an entire Dana Hokana Clinic in your living room.
The Showmanship Series
This knowledge packed, 4-Part Showmanship Series will teach you the techniques to take you the top of the scores.
You will learn how to teach your horse maneuvers the correct way and how to maintain each maneuver. Learn how to have excellent communication and to build a fabulous relationship with your horse.
4 Part Series – $150 Order Now
The Horsemanship Series
True Horsemanship is an ART
Learn the art of Horsemanship with these videos. This 5-Part Horsemanship Series will teach you how to understand, strategize and perfect your pattern, turns & neck reining and so much more! Learn these important concepts so you can ride like you are one with the horse.
Win FAVOR in the show arena!
5 Part Series – $150 – Order Now

From start to finish, Dana will teach and demonstrate the correct way to develop body control with cadence and rhythm in your horses’s footfall while building suppleness and strength in your horse. Next you can begin to refine the collection of your horse. In the second video, you will learn how these lesson mprove every gait in your horse. You will feel the difference as you restore your horse’s natural movement and develop that perfect stride
A good transition is important no matter what you do! In Volume 3, I will show you some wonderful techniques in this video on how to do that! Next, put all the pieces together in Volume 4 so you can learn how to ride the perfect pattern by practicing each maneuver, then work them all together.
4 Volume Set – $209.80 Order Now

The Complete Collection – $938.85
For the price of one month at a trainer’s, this set can build your skill set to create a powerful bond with your horse and maximize the potential that is deep with in you both. Get a Master Class in horse training with this comprehensive selection of Dana’s most popular videos.
The set includes 23 DVD’s:
- Take Control: Volumes 1-7
- The Fundamentals to a Better Horse: Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4
- Spur Control: Volumes 1-3
- Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse: Volumes 1-3
- The Horse Lover’s Answer: Volumes 1-3
- Beyond Western Pleasure featuring Al Dunning
- Connecting the Quadrants
- Secrets to a Truly Willing Horse
Our Sponsors

Invested Dimension
The immortal breeding of the Invester is available to you in the Greatest living Son of the Invester…Invested Dimension! Beauty in Motion.
Team Hokana Video Subscription
Team Hokana is our online mentoring program that allows you to work closely with us through video coaching. With your membership, you will gain access to over 200 in-depth horse training videos. These videos are the real deal – they are unedited with no gimmicks.
Join me as I give you the information that will help you and your horse’s training program to rapidly advance. I have developed these videos from situations that I encounter in my everyday training in order to make your training easier. These videos are designed to help any level of horse and rider, and for any discipline that you may ride. Our goal it to take you to top levels of competition, in all events and these videos are the key to teaching you to develop your horse into that highly trained and responsive partner that you have always wanted.
– Dana Hokana
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Prayer Requests
We would be honored to pray for your specific needs. Please fill out the prayer request form if you would like to request that we pray for you.
"For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
- Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
- Jeremiah 29:11
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday: Closed